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Duo Siqueira Lima @ Concertgebouw Amsterdam
feb 7 @ 19:15
Duo Siqueira Lima @ Concertgebouw Amsterdam | Amsterdam | Noord-Holland | Nederland

Duo Siqueira Lima
Duo Siqueira Lima heeft alles in zich om legendarisch te worden. Niet alleen vanwege hun alom geroemde timing en technische capaciteiten, maar ook vanwege hun bijzondere samenwerking waar het plezier vanaf spat. De Uruguayaanse gitariste Cecilia Siqueira en de Braziliaanse gitarist Fernando Lima leerden elkaar kennen tijdens een concours in Brazilië waar ze allebei de eerste prijs in de wacht sleepten. Daarna besloten ze als duo door het leven te gaan.

Lado a Lado (Zij aan zij)
Het repertoire van Duo Siqueira Lima reikt van barok tot populaire muziek. De verschijning van Lado a Lado, hun tweede cd met bewerkingen van Braziliaanse grootmeesters als Dominguinhos, João Bosco en Pixinguinha, betekende hun doorbraak. Behalve op klassieke podia wordt het duo, dat ook in het dagelijks bestaan ‘zij aan zij’ verkeert, nu ook regelmatig op jazzfestivals uitgenodigd. Ook daar combineert het duo zonder enige moeite klassieke muziek met swingend Latijns-Amerikaans repertoire.


D. Scarlatti – Sonate in C, K 133
D. Scarlatti – Sonate in b, K. 27
D. Scarlatti – Sonate in e, K. 198
Händel – Chaconne in G, HWV 435
Villa-Lobos – Preludio (Introdução) (uit ‘Vierde bachianas brasileiras’, A. 264)
Villa-Lobos – Dansa (Mudinho) (uit ‘Vierde bachianas brasileiras’, A. 264)
Falla – La vida breve, G. 35/39
Camargo Mariano – Cristal
Gnattali – Canhoto
Pixinguinha – Um a Zero
Peranzzetta – Cheio de Graça
Peranzzetta – Lado a Lado
Fattorusso – Candombe
Piazzolla – Primavera Porteña, nr. 3 (uit ‘Las cuatro estaciones Porteñas’)
Dominguinhos – Contrato de Separaçao
Dominguinhos – Homenagem ao Chiquinho do Acordeom

Marko Topchii: Ukrainian Guitar Virtuoso @ Groote Zaal, Calvarienber Clooster
jan 23 @ 19:00
Marko Topchii: Ukrainian Guitar Virtuoso @  Groote Zaal, Calvarienber Clooster | Maastricht | Limburg | Nederland

The Maastricht Guitar Society is excited to present the Ukranian guitar phenom Marko Topchii in the groote zaal of the Gasthuis Calvarienberg, Abtstraat 2a. Marko is one of the most successful competition winners on the international circuit at the moment with more than 50 awards in competitions and a recent performance in Carnegie hall. The concert opener will be the Conservatorium Guitar classe’s own Alexander Feldman!

Tickets: €12/€6 To reserve email

Marko Topchii biography:
Marko Topchii; 1st Prize, Lausanne (Switzerland) Int. Guitar … Marko Topchii – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marko has won more than 50 awards worldwide in the international guitar competitions in the professional category. Among them, 26 first places in the competitions in United States, Mexico, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Liechtenstein, Serbia and Ukraine. The most notable prizes is available in the “awards” section. He plays guitars made by Karl-Heinz Roemmich, Yuichi Imai, Sakurai Kohno and Hong Sik Uhm. Marko is a D’Addario artist since 2012. Marko actively performs around the world, regularly gives concerts with the orchestra; he is desired teacher of the master classes and constantly mentioned in the mass media. Marko Topchii was born into a family of musicians in Kiev, Ukraine and is started studying guitar at the age of four. He is 24 years old and is currently pursuing a doctorate degree at the Tchaikovsky National Academy of Music in Kiev under the guidance of Prof. Yuri Alexik, Honored Artist of Ukraine. He completed his master degree in the National University of Arts in Kharkov in 2011, where he studied under Prof. Volodymir Dotsenko, Honored Artist of Ukraine. First prizes: 7th Daejeon International Guitar Festival Competition 2015 (Daejeon, South Korea) 5th Concurso Internacional de Guitarra Clasica Gredos San Diego (Madrid, Spain) 4th Concours de Guitare en Pays Tarnais (Albi, France) 6th JoAnn Falletta International Guitar Concerto Competition (Buffalo, NY, USA) Taiwan International Guitar Festival & Competition 2014 (Taipei, Taiwan) 3rd Changsha International Guitar Competition (Changsha, China) 7th International Guitar Competition “Ruggero Chiesa – Città di Camogli” (Camogli, Italy) 1st Jakarta International Guitar Competition (Jakarta, Indonesia) 12th Annual Texas Guitar Competition and Festival (Dallas, TX, USA) 6th International Guitar Competition “Culiacán 2013” (Culiacán, Mexico) 1st International Guitar Competition Victor Pellegrini (Lausanne, Switzerland) 42nd International Guitar Competition “Fernando Sor” (Rome, Italy) 5th International Guitar Competition Claxica 2013 (Castel D’Aiano e Montese, Italy) 56th Tokyo International Guitar Competition (Tokyo, Japan) 4th International Guitar Competition “Ferdinando Carulli” (Rome, Italy) 12th Guitar Art Competition (Belgrade, Serbia) 12th Le Concours International de Guitare “Ville d’Antony” (Antony, France) 6th International Ligita Guitar Competition (Eschen, Liechtenstein) 13th International Guitar Competition of Sernancelhe (Sernancelhe, Portugal) 3rd International Robert J. Vidal Guitar Competition (Barbezieux, France) 18th Mottola Guitar Competition (Mottola, Italy) 6th European Classical Guitar Competition “Città di Gorizia” (Gorizia, Italy) 3rd International Guitar Competition Heinsberg (Heinsberg, Germany) 3rd International Guitar Competition “GuitAs” (Kiev, Ukraine) 3rd International Guitar Competition “Dniprovski suzir’ya” (Ukrainka, Ukraine) 1st International Competition “National Philharmonic of Ukraine” (Kiev, Ukraine) ©2015

Annette Kruisbrink Festival @ Kulturhaus NIHZ
feb 17 – feb 18 hele dag

Tijdens het Annette Kruisbrink Festival, dat geheel in het teken zal staan van de composities van Annette Kruisbrink, is er van alles te doen en voor elk wat wils!
Zo zijn er masterclasses waar je je voor kan inschrijven als solist of als ensemble, er zijn maar liefst 4 categorieën concoursen waar je aan kan deelnemen, ook is er een ensemble workshop, 2 lunchconcerten en 2 avond concerten waarbij vele internationale artiesten optreden, verder 2 lezingen, een soundtrack cinema en een expositie.
Ga naar om een overzichtslijst van al haar werken en de festival flyer te downloaden.